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Unbalanced Podcast: October 24th - 28th

Originally Aired: October 28, 2016

Thanks for checking out the Unbalanced Podcast! You can also get it automatically downloaded to your devices by subscribing to the podcast on iTunes. Let’s get right into things!

Have you ever seen someone driving down the street, smoking a cigarette while wearing a bright yellow rubber dishwashing glove? Kenny did. And he couldn’t understand the logic behind it, so we turned to you!

Somehow the topic of Cookie Crisp cereal came up, and gave us a little trip down memory lane. Apparently it’s still being sold in the good ole US of A! Imagine though, cookies for breakfast!

Friend of the show Tamara got upgraded to first class on a flight to Vancouver, and it got us wondering if it’s a more common occurance than we thought! That’s when you called in with your stories of being upgraded, including one woman whose upgraded seat had her sitting next to a random celebrity!

Boss Amanda came to us with an idea for her daughter’s birthday party, to hand out a Goldfish instead of the standard loot bag. Would you be upset if your child came home with one?

A muskrat fell into my basement window well! Unfortunately it got out on its own before I could impress my girlfriend Vikki by acting manly and getting it out myself. According to a listener, I also missed out on a good meal!

We also hit the horse track for a little gambling and Kenny walked out on top! He won a total of $5.40!! Breaking the bank!! That’s when we tried to find the most winning-est person in town. I think we got pretty close!

That should do it for this week’s podcast! Check out The Unbalanced Breakfast Facebook page, give us a like, and follow us on Twitter: @KennyJones77 and @BigGingerFM. We’re also on Snapchat: Kenny.Jones and BigGingerFM! See ya next week!


Filed under: BBQ, Birthday Party, Cereal, Cigarette, Cookie Crisp, Dishwashing, eating, First Class, Flight, Glove, Goldfish, iTunes, Loot Bag, lottery, Muskrat, Plane, Rodents, Rubber, Smoking, The Unbalanced Breakfast, The Unbalanced Podcast, Win Money