If you feel nervous when you’re driving with a cop behind you, and you’ve done nothing wrong, you’re not alone. But we wanted to see if the police actually knew how nervous people get when they do that. Thankfully, an anonymous police officer called the show to answer our questions:

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Police and Paranoia

Originally Aired: March 23, 2017

Do you get nervous like Kenny does? Or are you cool as a cucumber like Big Ginger. Let us know on The Unbalanced Breakfast Facebook page! Give us a like, and follow us on Twitter: @KennyJones77 and @BigGingerFM. Snap us on Snapchat: Kenny.Jones & BigGingerFM! And you can always hit us up on the CONTACT US page too!

Filed under: Big Ginger, Cops, interview, Kenny, Nervous, OPP, Ottawa, police, Unbalanced Breakfast, Web Extra