A few weeks ago Tim Hicks popped by and wanted me to listen to what he has been working on! Me saying no to that would be like saying “No” to Cheese on your burger…

Tim Hicks is ready to drop a NEW RECORD called New Tattoo on June 22nd! It features his latest single ‘LOUD‘!

Ryan’s Jam Sandwich today is a track that caught my attention at 12:11am Friday morning when my iPhone reminded me NEW MUSIC is available! Tim reached out to fellow Canuck and Canadian Country Badass Lindsay Ell to feature on this rockin’ track about heart break and wondering if you could’ve fixed it!

It’ll be the JAM to your SANDWICH here’s Tim Hicks and Lindsay Ell The Worst Kind

~ Ryan

Filed under: lindsay-ell, New Music, new-tattoo, Tim Hicks