This past Wednesday, we wanted to hear about your ghost stories.

Why? Because of mill in Manotick called “Watson’s Mill.” There is a story of Ann Crosby Currier, the mill’s co-founder’s (Joseph Currier) wife. She attended the mill’s first anniversary celebration, and while walking down the stairs from the attic to the second floor, Ann’s dress was caught in a revolving drive shaft. She was thrown off her feet into a nearby pillar, and killed instantly.

Joseph Currier was so distraught about the death of his wife, he sold his shares to his partner, Moss Kent Dickinson, and left Manotick.

Watson’s Mill states:

There are claims that Ann’s spirit has not left Watson’s Mill. It is said that on dreary days she can still be seen staring out of the second-floor windows. Several people have claimed to hear lady-like footsteps coming from the second floor even though there is no one upstairs, and still others swear they have been grabbed by unseen hands on the stairs. Perhaps it is Ann ensuring no one else shares her fate.”

Although some people have not encountered her spirit, others have from the comments on our Fcebook post.

Maybe you will have to visit the mill yourself to see. And while you are there, you can pick-up flour from this mill! It is 100% workable mill that has been producing flour the old-fashioned way since 1860.

For more info on buying flour there, visit

Photo from

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