It’s hard to resist petting a fun, cute ball of fur but for some dogs it is not as welcomed as we would initially think. To advocate for their dogs, some dog owners are now sending a message to others by putting a specific colour of collar on their furry pets. If you want to pet or interact with a dog you should always ask the owner first, but it is helpful to be on the look out for these collars and what they could mean.


Red Collar 

Red is the universal sign for ‘STOP’ and with dogs it is no different. If a dog is wearing a red collar, or bandana it could mean that this dog is aggressive or doesn’t like to be approached by other dogs or humans. It is best to pass this dog calmly and not interact with the dog.


Green Collar

Green means GO! A dog wearing a green collar usually means this dog can be approached by other dogs or humans, but it is always best to ask the owner to be sure.


Yellow Collar

Yellow can mean the dog is a nervous or anxious dog, and it is best to keep your distance and calmly walk by.


Blue Collar

Blue can mean the dog is a service dog, or a dog in training. This usually means the dog is on the job and it is not a good idea to approach.


Orange Collar

Orange could mean that the dog doesn’t interact well with other animals, so it’s best to give them their space if you are walking with your dog.