Welcome to another edition of The Unbalanced Podcast! If you don’t want to stay glued to your computer, you can always download and subscribe on iTunes and Google Play Music! Enough shameless plugs, let’s get to it!!

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The Unbalanced Podcast: January 16th - 20th

Originally Aired: January 20, 2017

We started the week off with your stories on picky customers. This is after Kenny saw someone return a Tim Hortons bagel 3 TIMES!!! Enough is enough, it’s just a $2 bagel! Some of your stories didn’t come through the phones, but were written on the Country 101.1 Facebook page, check em out! And if you have a story about dealing with a picky customer, let us know on The Unbalanced Breakfast Facebook page!


This amazing feel good story came out this week and just left us feeling all warm and fuzzy. Losing a pet is never fun, but when those stories have a happy ending, then they’re totally worth sharing. Until you realize that snakes and tarantulas count as pets, and that they could belong to your neighbour down the hall…


Our boys at the Metcalfe Fare Bar & Grill are going to be putting together a Raging Bull burger!! So the question is, what do we put on it? And if you’re hungry after listening to all those ideas, you can actually WIN $25 to the Metcalfe Fare Bar & Grill weekdays at 7:30a by playing Raging Bull!


Would you be upset if your neighbour started their snowblower at 4am? Apparently it’s a rather common occurrence, and believe it or not, people actually support the guy with the snowblower! What do you think? Hit us up on Twitter: @KennyJones77 and @BigGingerFM.


Doing anything fun this weekend? Hit us up on The Unbalanced Breakfast Facebook page! Give us a like, and follow us on Twitter: @KennyJones77 and @BigGingerFM. Snap us on Snapchat: Kenny.Jones & BigGingerFM! And you can always hit us up on the CONTACT US page too! And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast subscribe on iTunes and Google Play Music! Until next week, cya!



Filed under: Bagel, Big Ginger, Burger, customer service, Customers, facebook, Google Play Music, iTunes, Kenny, Lost Pet, Metcalfe Fare Bar & Grill, neighbour, Picky, Raging Bull, SnapChat, Snowblower, Subscribe, The Unbalanced Podcast, tim hortons, Twitter, Unbalanced Breakfast