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The Unbalanced Podcast: February 20th - 24th

Originally Aired: February 24, 2017

The Unbalanced Podcast: February 20th – 24th

Here we are! It's Friday, which means it's time for another episode of The Unbalanced Podcast! It's also available on the go, on iTunes and Google Play Music, we'd love it if you subscribed! Let's get to it! All week long we took your 15 Second Stories for Erich Church tickets. The stories can be real or fake, they just got to have a beginning, middle, and an end. The best part is that the stories we get cover topics that we wouldn't normally have on the show! Including someone who drove through a house and got into a fight with a bear! Don't believe me? Have a listen! Canada's finally going through a bit of a thaw, and with spring on the way, we're starting to see the emergence of motorbikes and convertibles! In fact, we got a couple stories on some rather interesting vehicle spottings! If you see a convertible with the top down, or someone braving the weather to bring out their motorbike, take a photo and send it to us on Twitter: @KennyJones77 and @BigGingerFM! It's no secret that Kenny's wife, E, loves animals. It's gotten to the point where they will actually plan dates to the pet store, where she has named each and every one of them! Needless to say, he gets razzed about this on the show, so we decided to include some of that in this week's podcast! (Cue the evil laughter ?) If you ever want to get a hold of the show, you can do so on The Unbalanced Breakfast Facebook page! Give us a like, and follow us on Twitter: @KennyJones77 and @BigGingerFM. Snap us on Snapchat: Kenny.Jones & BigGingerFM! And you can always hit us up on the CONTACT US page too! Until next time, see ya!